How Did I Become a Dog Foster?
How did this all begin?! Well, there truly is a million little things that lead to this moment but, I think the most prominent was the self-work that I have been doing over the last two years. I've not always had the healthies coping mechanisms or even a deep understanding of myself. Like a lot of you guys, hard times would fall upon me like they do, and I would really struggle pulling myself through them. I made it my mission to understand every part of myself, in order to know what I had to work on to get myself through these hard times.
Talk therapy, EMDR therapy and an ADHD diagnosis, helped me understand the foundation of myself and my behaviors. So many things started to make sense to me, that before seemed to be the most confusing parts of myself. In doing so much therapy and diving deep, I realized I needed to introduce love and passion back into my life.
That turned into becoming a dog sitter/walker. I knew that I've always loved dogs, I knew that I missed my childhood dog Elvis very much, and I knew I needed to find new ways to introduce joy into my life which also helped with my constant search for dopamine. In realizing that I have been learning so much and taking care of other people's dogs, I knew I could turn this up a notch lol
Haphazardly, a few weeks ago I sat at the Baptism of a friend's baby boy, and talked to a friend about her dog fostering experience. She had mentioned Posh Pets Rescue in Long Beach, NY and the wheels started to turn. I immediately reached out to my Landlord to see if his strong no pet policy had any room for a foster dog! With a little shmoozing, I got him to allow me to foster dogs below 70lbs - that's a win in my book!
I then filled out the foster application for Posh Pets and awaited my fate! That weekend I spoke to one of their lovely volunteers and provided her with references etc and was approved that Wednesday night, and here we are!
The application process was so simple. I provided the necessary information, they reached out to my references and landlord and then we did a virtual tour of my home and yard to ensure the pups would be safe here. I ended up being placed with a dog the next day - story coming soon :)
If you're looking to adopt or become a foster parent, please reach out to me on my Instagram with any questions!